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Making it again...and again...and again

Making it again...and again...and again

Take a few technology glitches, a dose of discouragement because a piece of work will just not come right, add some boredom- and I can see how blogs peter out. It becomes increasingly difficult to get back to it - and after a while there's too much to catch up on. So - here is the instant coffee version of the past two months... 📷

.... the three wall pieces are finished - just need some holes in the wall now... 📷 There has been a lot (really a lot) of making maquettes in the past weeks. These are first drafts of small hens to be cast in bronze. They're * put together, taken apart, modified where necessary, redrawn,  (repeat from * until you are either happy with them or throw them away) 📷

...and this one was thrown away. 📷

Another maquette ( cornflakes/pizza boxes are great for first drafts).

Many, many, many hours later of making it again and again, this is the final version of the hare.... 📷

...which isn't finished yet -  because I'm on version 5b of the front feet and still not happy. So for the past fortnight he's been sitting in the corner.

📷 📷 The ship is also not quite done - the structure is complete but I really cannot decide how to surface finish the base.,, 📷 .... so instead I made a new dress and apron for one of my dolls. made perfect sense to me.. 📷 ...and then made some button cards for the charity shop I help in. The buttons I cut off clothes going into the 'recycling' bin and up till now they were displayed in an inelegant miscellany of small plastic bags. These lovely cards I found on the internet...

📷Which all sold....

.....and then I found some more card designs ....and then I ran out of buttons.

📷 📷📷

The intention here was to make a pair of hens that look as if they're walking along in conversation. It works well from the back - of which I don't have a photo and they've now gone to the foundry. There has been an expression of interest already; maybe I should simply accept that my mission in life is to make hens...again and again...

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